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Dutch painter

van Goyen Jan Josefszoon
van Goyen Jan Josefszoon
Jan Josefszoon van Goyen (13 January 1596 - 27 April 1656), Dutch painter. Dutch landscape painter, he studied in Leiden and in Haarlem , where his teacher was Esaias van de Velde. By 1631 he settled in The Hague , where he became the leader of the local artist guild in 1640. Using a very personal style, van Goyen put the accent on perspective and light, using mainly greens and ...
Codde Pieter-Jacobs
Codde Pieter-Jacobs
Pieter-Jacobs Codde (11 December 1599 - 12 October 1678), Dutch painter. He gained his fame in 1636, when a company in Amsterdam asked him to complete a painting, begun by Frans Hals, who had abandoned it. Codde accepted and although he tried to imitate Hals' style, in the final compositions the two styles are visible and quite different. Most of his compositions are small ...
Honthorst Gerrit van
Honthorst Gerrit van
Gerrit van Honthorst (4 November 1590 - 27 April 1656), Dutch painter, specialised in night scenes. He was one of the most important members of the Utrecht School , strongly influenced by the style of Caravaggio. He came from an artistic family, being the most talented of them all. The Merry Fiddler Like his contemporary Hendrik Terbrugghen, Hothorst was in the beginning ...
de Gelder Aart
de Gelder Aart
Aart de Gelder (26 October 1645 - 28 August 1727), Dutch painter. He was born into a wealthy family in Dordrecht and his first teacher was Samuel van Hoogstraten, a former student of Rembrandt, who Gelder admired. The young artist continued his studies in Amsterdam , where he had the unique chance to be the last - and most devoted - student of Rembrandt, who strongly influenced ...
van Oude Jan Lievens Lievenszoon
van Oude Jan Lievens Lievenszoon
Jan Lievens Lievenszoon van Oude (24 October 1607 - 8 June 1674), Dutch painter, draftsman. Old Woman Reading , Rijksmuseum Amsterdam He was a talented painter, mainly a portraitist, but also produced religious and allegorical scenes. A close friend of Rembrandt, he was also the student of Pieter Lastman in Amsterdam . Afterwards he shared a studio with Rembrandt in Leiden , ...
Troost Cornelis
Troost Cornelis
Cornelis Troost (8 October 1697 - 7 March 1750), Dutch painter, draftsman, printmaker. Selfportrait He was a student of Arnold Boonen. Today he is considered the most important Dutch artist of the 18 th century, because of his talent, draftmanship and his humour. A prolific artist, he produced almost one thousand works, most of them being commisions. Troost enjoyed a great ...


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teatru, carte, film

Filme. Teatru. Concerte.:
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Carte Artline:
Hotul de arta de Michael Finkel
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