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Artist's Presentation Loredana Cretu

Loredana Cretu is a Romanian painter living in Timisoara, Romania. She likes experimenting in this art domain and she consider her work as a Journal of Colour. She enjoys working with various techniques as acrylic, gouache, oil, pastel, tempera, watercolor, collage. She has to admit that some of my works are belonging more to graphic arts than to painting.

She loves the Surrealism and the fine line between dream and reality inside it, but also trasspassing the Surrealism into Abstract.

for me is like an escape, like an addiction to which I always come back.

Through color I express my feelings and each one of my paintings is a state of mind and soul. There is another side of the world and I'm willing to discover it.

Loredana Cretu

Loredana Cretu
...este numele meu;

Sunt o pictorita care in prezent traieste in Timisoara, Romania . Imi place experimentul si surpriza in domeniul artelor si imi realizez lucrarile ca pe niste pagini dintr-un Jurnal de culoare. Imi place sa lucrez cu diverse tehnici precum: acrilic, guasa, ulei, pastel, tempera, colaj
Trebuie sa recunosc ca am unele tendinte de a transforma pictura in grafica.

Iubesc Suprarealismul si linia fina intre vis si realitate continuta in acest curent, dar imi place sa trec de la Suprarealism la Abstract.

pentru mine este o evadare, o dependenta de care nu ma pot desprinde si nici nu doresc.

Prin culoare imi exprim sentimentele si fiecare dintre lucrarile mele este o stare de ratiune si simtire. Exista o alta latura a lumii si sunt dispusa sa o descopar.

Exposed Artworks
Painting - Graphics - 10 artworks


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