2. In Florence it is forbidden to eat or drink while either sitting on church steps or being in the courtyard of the same church. And the law still applies when it comes to other public buildings. Not only that you will pay a fine, but it is regarded as totally rude act. .
3. Even if you are the best fisherman ever, if you are in Kansas you can not catch a fish with your bare hands. While not a major crime it will cost you some money.
4. One of the strangest laws regarding animals comes from Alaska. There you don't have the permission to wake up... a bear. As if an angry bear wasn't enough to make you think twice.
5. It the past it was against the law to slam your car door while in the city, no matter the hour or circumstances. This unusual law was used in Switzerland, yet many countries could adopt it. Unfortunatelly it is no longer valid there either.

7. While in San Francisco do not feed the pigeons, no matter how nice you think they are. While some consider the birds to be a symbol of the city, they cause a lot of property damage and even spread disease. Not only you must not give them any food whatsoever, but you also must inform the police if you see anybody else doing it.
8. In Bangladesh it is a fellony to cheat in school. And if you are over 15 you could even end up in jail if you're caught. Still, most of the time a fine will be enough. But still...
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