Terms and Conditions for the Utilization of the Artline.ro Gallery
Utilization agreement
1. The utilization of the virtual gallery Artline.ro (hereinafter called “Gallery”) is resigned to the special conditions, which are presented here (called “Terms and Conditions for the Utilisation of the Gallery”). Through the registration as a user of the Gallery, you declare your acceptance, without reticence, of the Terms and Conditions for the Utilization of the Gallery and you will respect them during the entire utilization.
2. Through the Gallery the user has the possibility to public / display on Artline.ro the Content, the identification and description elements or – if necessary – improvement elements. The possibilities of publication / displaying and improvement are limited strictly to the ones which are available at the moment of registration / opening of the account and circumscribed to the Terms and the general Conditions for the utilization of Artline.ro.
The review and the approval of the published/posted content in the Gallery
3. Any image, photography, graphic design, logo, information, text, moving images, sounds, illustrations other work (still called “Content”), which is loaded by the user with the purpose to be published / posted in the Gallery, will be at first checked by Artline.ro before their effective publication / post.
4. Artline.ro can refuse the users loaded / sent Content (with the purpose to be published / posted) totally or partially, if this leads to a good maintainance of a high quality level of the published / displayed Content, which will assure a good notoriety in front of its public and users. The user will recognize and agree with the right of Artline.ro to review, approve or decline the publication of his Content.
5. Artline.ro will approve the publication / display only of the Content which - in it’s discretionary oppinion - is acceptable (including the esthetic criteria) and will not break the effectual applicable settlements or the rights / interests of a third person. The approval of a user’s content, totally or partially, does not represent a subsequent approval warranty of another similar Content.
6. Artline.ro’s refusall to public / display an entire or a partial sent Content can not be challenged through any procedure by the user. This decline represents a certification or a denial of the content’s value, of the art works expressed or of the professionalism and reputation of its author’s name.
The responsibility of the Content Gallery
7. The user will testify the fact, that all the images, photos, graphic designs, logos, information, text, moving images, sounds, illustrations and any other materials (called “Content”) are rightful used and that they do not break the rights of a third person.
The user declares precise, while using the Gallery / Artline.ro, that he assumes the exclusive responsibility for the sent Content. Artline.ro and / or its co-partners, including any employee, manager or executive will not be responsible in any way for any Content or for any losses or damages, which results from the publication / display of any sent Content. The user agrees to take all the responsabilities and risks associated with sent Content and to compensate Artline.ro and / or its co-partners, including any employee, manager or executive, in case he will break the rights of another person.
The total or partial removal of a published Content
8. Artline.ro has the right to remove from the Gallery / Artline.ro the content which, subsequently, represents a danger for the rights and for the interests of a third person (by violating the intellectual property rights, brand or other rights) or by miscarriage the effectual settlements, the morality and the public order.
The total or partial removal of the published Content, on account of the listed causes, gives the user no right to receive a value of his services or to be compensated in a different way than it is specified in the Terms and Conditions for the Utilization of Artline.ro.
9. Artline.ro has the right to remove anytime and without prior notification or other formality a user’s Content or account, if he breaks the General Terms and Conditions for the Utilization of the Gallery or if the Content is not according to all the exposed conditions.
Service payment
10. To use the Gallery, the user is bound to pay the value specified on Artline.ro and only if the Content, sent in order to be published (one or more art works), is approved and published – entire or partially – in the Gallery / Artline.ro.
11. The amount must be paid in 5 (five) working days starting from the date of it’s publication / display of any part of the Content in the gallery / Artline.ro. The value for using the Gallery is due and will be full paid irrespective of the approval and publication / display for only one part of the Content sent by the user.
12. If no part of the Content sent by the user in order to be published was approved / displayed in the Gallery / Artline.ro, the user does not due any amount and will not perform the payment.
Requirement of the Terms and Conditions for the Gallery Utilization
13. The Terms and Conditions for the Gallery Utilization are indispensable and they complete with the The general Terms and Conditions for Artline.ro Utilization.
14. If any of these conditions and terms will be declared by a competent instance as invalid, illegal or unable by any reason, these will be removed and the rest of the conditions and terms will remain active and will be unavoidable and executorial. The canceled condition will be replaced by another one, which will properly correspond.